This week on End Credits, and next week (or last week depending on when you read this), we're on summer vacation. Are we watching movies over these two weeks off? Probably, but we're not reviewing them for you. While we're out getting some sun and enjoying the beach, you get a couple of reruns. Grab a drink, feel the waves, and we'll see you in a couple of weeks!

Summer's Off. It's no easy thing to take a vacation from your high-powered and stressful job. Maybe the whole thing falls apart while you're away; maybe the whole thing falls apart because you're away. And what about that vacation? You've got to pack up your stuff and your family, cram into a car for hours, and when you arrive at your destination, the beach house is a shack, the landlord is rude, and it's all you can do to summon the courage to challenge him in a boat race aboard a pirate-themed schooner! It's summer vacation!! Deal with it.

*Programming Note: End Credits will return with new episodes on Wednesday August 30.

End Credits is on CFRU 93.3 fm and Wednesday at 3 pm.