This week on End Credits. it's time for another deep dive into the New York arts and theatre scene with all the neuroses, personalities, and creative obsessives that come with it, and it's in black and white! This week, we're reviewing The 40-Year Old Version, and before that we will catch up with some good old fashioned movie news!

This Wednesday, October 14, at 3 pm, Adam A. Donaldson and Peter Salmon will discuss:

The News. It's been a while since we caught up with the latest movie news, and the biggest news is still the fallout of COVID-19 as more movies move to 2021, and theatres struggle with the lack of new product. We will also look at how the next Spider-Man movie is getting Stranger, a possible Social Network sequel, and the inevitable return of Cleopatra.

REVIEW: The 40-Year Old Version (2020). Radha Blank's directorial debut is about a Black playwright on the cusp of her 40th birthday. She was once hailed as a promising new artistic voice, but now she teaches theatre to school kids, so in her frustration, she puts her doubts and anxieties to a hip-hop beat. Blank's Sundance winner hits nicely in an oeuvre of New York movies about New York arty types trying to make it, so does Version make it for Blank?

End Credits is on CFRU 93.3 fm and Wednesday at 3 pm.