This week on End Credits, you've got a friend in us, and since we're such good friends, you can trust our opinions on this week's review, which is the new Pixar movie, Toy Story 4. We'll also talk about the never-ending quest for the so-called "Snyder Cut," the end of the quest to make a Mouse Guard movie, the future of fakes, and some cool (or not) new trailers.

This Wednesday, July 3, at 2 pm, Adam A. Donaldson and Vince Masson will discuss:

Snyder Web. For nearly two years, Zack Snyder fans have been petitioning for the release of the director's cut for Justice League. Circumstances forced Snyder to leave the project in post-production, and many see the finished film by Joss Whedon as something of a commercial failure, but is this fan obsession well placed? And does it matter if the "Snyder Cut" exists at all?

No House for Mouse. One of the projects slayed by the Disney/Fox merger is Mouse Guard. Based on the comic book series about mice as medieval protectors, about $20 million in pre-production and test footage was sunk into the project before it was cancelled, and then director Wes Bell released it online. Might his gambit save the potential Mouse Guard film?

Deepfake Impact. A YouTube creator posted a video replacing Arnold Schwarzenegger with Sylvester Stallone in a clip from Terminator 2: Judgment Day using the software Deepfake. Many are concerned about the use of Deepfake to create fake news, but what opportunity is there for Hollywood to use the technology to fulfill their craziest casting expectations?

Angels, Planes, and Liars. In trailer news this week, Roland Emmerich finally takes a break from the end of the world, to dive into one of the biggest aerial battles of World War II. Meanwhile, three L.A. private detectives make a comeback, but they still only answer to a man named "Charlie." And Ian McKellan has a secret that he doesn't want Helen Mirren to know.

REVIEW: Toy Story 4 (2019). Although it's been nine years since the supposed end of the series, the toys of Toy Story are back with one last adventure, this one with a turn to the existential. Far from Andy's room, Woody must deal with the possibility that for once he's not the favourite toy, until into his life comes Forkie, an invention of popsicle sticks, clay, and a spork who becomes a reluctant member of the gang. But is that the end of the story? Far from it...

End Credits is on CFRU 93.3 fm and Wednesday at 2 pm.