This week on End Credits, we're getting ready to say goodbye to summer. This week's movie review takes us to the cold, drab island off the coast of Chile where nothing ever good happens, which is a solid message for the end of August in a pandemic. We're talking about Nobody Knows I'm Here, and we're looking back at the best summer blockbusters of yester-year.

This Wednesday, August 19, at 3 pm, Adam A. Donaldson and Tim Phillips will discuss:

A Farewell to Summer Blockbusters Part 1 of 2. Summer was once Hollywood's harvest season, where it made most of its bank, but COVID-19 changed all that. So as we wind down this unusual summer, we're going to talk about the Top 20 summer blockbusters since that became a things in 1975. The movies that are fun, action-packed, but not necessarily Oscar-worthy.

REVIEW: Nobody Knows I'm Here (2020). Fame is a double-edged sword. Movies have told us that for years,  but rarely so darkly than in the case of Nobody Knows I'm Here. A first for Netflix, this original film from Chile stars Jorge Garcia of Lost fame as a man driven to being a recluse on a small sheep farm with his uncle after his brief brush with childhood fame in Miami, but what happens when fame and notoriety finds him again?

End Credits is on CFRU 93.3 fm and Wednesday at 3 pm.