This week on End Credits, we're on the road again. The last few weeks of winter hardly seems like a good time for a road trip, but maybe that's the point. It's time to get in the car and drive with the Drive-Away Dolls and our old friend Ethan Coen, but before that we will talk about all the movies they aren't entirely sure they want you to see as we reach the end of "Dumpuary."

This Wednesday, February 28, at 3 pm, Adam A. Donaldson and Peter Salmon will discuss:

Dumpuary Jones. We've reached the end of February (though technically nearly the end because it's a leap year), which also means it's the end of "Dumpuary". It's the time of year where Hollywood studios dump the movies that they think can make some money but are too embarrassed to release in the harsh light of summer or Christmas. So for the first part of the show this week, we will hail some Dumpuary classics both past and present!

Drive-Away Dolls (2024). As you may recall, the famous filmmaking fraternity the Coen Brothers are taking a break from each other. A couple of years ago, Joel made The Tragedy of MacBeth, and Ethan made this, a 1999-set road trip comedy about a pair of young women finding themselves on the road to Tallahassee and finding something mysterious and tantalizing in the trunk of their borrowed car. If you like Classic Coens like Raising Arizona or Burn After Reading, you will probably see a lot to recommend in Drive-Away Dolls, but is one Coen Coen enough?

End Credits is on CFRU 93.3 fm and Wednesday at 3 pm.