This week on End Credits, we're going to a place called Asteroid City, which is not an asteroid and it's not a city. It's also not a real place, but it does look like a lovely vacation spot, or a good place to kill a couple of hours in an air conditioned movie theatre. We will make those determinations, and we will also wrap up our Indiana Jones re-watch.

This Wednesday, June 28, at 3 pm, Adam A. Donaldson and Peter Salmon will discuss:

Run the Series: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. We wrap up our Indiana Jones re-watch with the most controversial entry (yet?). Nearly 20 years after The Last Crusade, the clouds parted and all parties were able to get on the same page for a long-awaited fourth entry, but it didn't go according to plan. Remember, "nuke the fridge"? Remember Shia LaBeouf in Marlon Brando cosplay? Well, maybe it's not as bad as you remember it. We'll find out.

REVIEW: Asteroid City (2023). This is a Wes Anderson movie so you've got to expect a couple of things: a large cast of Hollywood stars, numerous members of the Anderson rep company, an Alexandre Desplat score, highly complex and methodical mise-en-scène, and a health dose of nostalgia. Anderson's brand is so recognizable that there's a cottage industry of A.I.-generated spoofs, but you can't beat the original and even Anderson seems aware that he needs to shake things up get ahead of the wags with Asteroid City. Does it work though?

End Credits is on CFRU 93.3 fm and Wednesday at 3 pm.