This week on End Credits, after 301 episodes, we found the film that perfectly encapsulates the aesthetic of this show: we like movies. This week, we go for something Canadian with the coming of age story I Like Movies, and we continue on with our re-visit through the Indiana Jones series with the second of five entries. See, we do like movies!

This Wednesday, June 21, at 3 pm, Adam A. Donaldson and Tim Phillips will discuss:

Run the Series: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. As we continue the countdown to Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, we visit one of the most controversial entries in the series. Set in 1935, this dark adventure finds Indiana Jones and his companions searching for magic stones at a legendary palace in India and along the way flirts with some pretty racist tropes. But looking back nearly 40 years, how does Temple stand in the series, and as its own entry?

REVIEW: I Like Movies (2023). The scene is Burlington, ON sometime in the early 2000s, and Lawrence likes movies. He wants to go to NYU film school, and he starts working at a video store to save up to pay for it. It's his last year of high school, things are strained with is friend Matt and his mom, and he might be falling in love with his manager at the video store. Chandler Levack's coming-of-age comedy/drama hits all the highlights of the genre, but in a deeply personal and very-Canadian package. Here's the question though, do we like I Like Movies?

End Credits is on CFRU 93.3 fm and Wednesday at 3 pm.