This week on End Credits, we will go from black-and-white to colour, and back again. That's a reference to the filmmaking style of the latest Netflix attempt for awards' consideration, Blonde, which is all about the life of Marilyn Monroe. You might have heard of her, and you also might have heard about some of these other movies about Hollywood life. 

This Wednesday, November2, at 3 pm, Adam A. Donaldson and Peter Salmon will discuss:

Movies Like Movies. If there's one thing that Hollywood likes to do, it's looking inward to find good story material. Blonde is not the first movie about the movie business, and the people that make movies, and it won't be last, so for the first part of our show this week, we will look at Hollywood looking at itself. From tales of Hollywood legends in their later years to a mockumentary about a lost star from the 90s, we will honour the movies... about movies.

REVIEW: Blonde (2022). When you think of Hollywood glamour, there's probably no better example than Marilyn Monroe. Although she died at the age of 36 over 60 years ago, she still casts a long shadow as an icon, and now her sad life's been captured on film again in the controversial bio-pic, Blonde. Acclaimed filmmaker Andrew Dominik deconstructs Monroe's story, and he gets rare talent in Ana de Armas who seems to captures Marilyn both physically and in spirt, but what about the movie itself? Is Blonde worthy of its larger than life subject?

End Credits is on CFRU 93.3 fm and Wednesday at 3 pm.