This week on End Credits, the world is not what it appears to be. Don't worry (darling), we're not talking about politics - that's the other show - we're talking about the movies. For the review this week, we've got a movie that everyone knows everything about, except the mystery at the centre, and we're also talking about movies where the secret is the thing.

This Wednesday, October 12, at 3 pm, Adam A. Donaldson and Peter Salmon will discuss:

They Made Us Watch Them. There's a mystery at the heart of the movie we're reviewing this week. Not just a mystery, but a conspiracy. The basis for a lot of good movies is that nefarious forces are trying to make people say or do things to cover up the fact that world isn't what they say it is, and so to begin this week's show, we'll talk about great conspiracy movies; from the ultimate story about authoritarian rule to a 60s classic about a secret assassin.

REVIEW: Don't Worry Darling (2022). So much was said about this movie before it was released, and almost none of it was about the movie itself. Did the director and the star get along? Was the director too focused on her new boyfriend, the male lead? Why did Olivia Wilde make Jordan Peterson cry? You would think that with all this crazy gossip talk, the movie it was attached to isn't that interesting, so while discussing Don't Worry Darling, the latest from director Wilde and stars Florence Pugh and Harry Styles, we'll focus on the film and not the follies.

End Credits is on CFRU 93.3 fm and Wednesday at 3 pm.