This week on End Credits, the horror continues. We pass from Ghostface to Leatherface as we warm up the Netflix machine to check out another horror legacy-sequel in the form of Texas Chainsaw Massacre (no The). Before getting into that, we will head back to Gotham City on this Batman eve to talk about all the other movies that bear his name, and rank them!

This Wednesday, March 2, at 3 pm, Adam A. Donaldson and Peter Salmon will discuss:

Run the Series: The Batmen. This Friday, Matt Reeves' take on the Dark Knight will be released in theatres in the highly-anticipated (and three-hour long) The Batman. In anticipation of the emergence of this Batman, we spend the first part of the show ranking the other movie Batmen. There have been 10 other named Batman movies released in cinemas over the last 60 years, and we will run the series on which Batman is best, and which one is worst.

REVIEW: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022). In 1974, director Tobe Hooper took a small cast and crew into the middle-of-nowhere Texas and for a few thousand dollars created one of the most frightening, visceral and influential horror movies ever: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Forty-eight years later, the ninth movie in the franchise aims to re-launch the series again as a bunch of hapless influencers move to a Texas ghost town where a certain chainsaw-wielding butcher still lurks looking for fresh meat. Does he find it? Do we?

End Credits is on CFRU 93.3 fm and Wednesday at 3 pm.