Thank you for checking out episode 7 of the Saint 14 Project Podcast! 

On this episode Sentineldad, Avgjoe227, hatchiedave, and ssj5goku28 let it loose for an Uncensored episode as the hilarious moments would be lost with alil adult language here and there

our mental health focus this week is Anxiety & Anger and we talk about some self help tips.

Also Goku goes into his character analysis on Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn

and we also talk about the games we have been playing along with touching on gaming news as well as news around the community

Our streamer for episode 7 is UziPrincess89 on Twitter | Twitch affiliate. Plays Skyrim, FarCry5, PUBG, IRL | USAF vet

please feel free to reach out to us on twitter at or at our email at [email protected]

Our mental Health Foundation this week is The Trevor Project you can find more resources at 

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