2022 finally sees some return to normality in the world of GU conferences. Hooray!
Today we chat with the leaders of two of our absolute favourite meetings - the European Association of Urology (EAU) Annual Meeting, and the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC). We are joined from Germany by Chair of the EAU Scientific Committee Professor Peter Albers, and from Switzerland by President of the APCCC, Professor Silke Gillessen. And we were pleased to say there is a lot to look forward to!!! These meetings are back to their usual in-person format, but as you will hear, they have also embraced some lessons learned due to virtual meetings.
Usual co-host Dr Renu Eapen is still meandering back to Melbourne after ASCO GU, so Declan is joined by his new Fellow, Dr Veeru Kasivisvanathan.

Also posted on Youtube

APCCC - Lugano, 28-30 April 2022
EAU Annual Meeting - Amsterdam, 1-4 July 2022