Dr Sima Porten from the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), was in Melbourne this week for the ANZUP Annual Scientific Meeting (more from that in an upcoming episode), so she popped into the GU Cast studio to chat with Renu and Declan. Renu of course spent a year with Sima and colleagues doing Fellowship training in GU Oncology so she was very happy to have her good friend and mentor in town.
Sima is a very highly regarded expert in bladder cancer and delivered some great talks on this topic to the ANZUP ASM this week. We chat with her about strategies to help patients avoid cystectomy (bladder removal) despite refractory high-grade bladder cancer. We also chat about avoiding cystectomy in muscle-invasive bladder cancer, and her thoughts on open vs robotic surgery from her perspective as a very high-volume bladder cancer surgeon.

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