Top Realtor and Top Entrepreneur Devan McClish has accomplished more in his first 3 years in the real estate business than a lot of real estate agents do their whole career. At 24 years of age, Devan is a bright star in the Nashville, TN real estate market and a jack of all trades. A master of selling, buying, flipping, renting, rehabbing, etc.. Devan shares with the audience how he came to own 2 apartment complexes, over 60 rental units, how he uses direct mail as his primary marketing strategy, and how to invest in real estate with no money down! Looking for that bit of motivation to get your business on track for greatness? Watch this!

0:01 - Introduction
3:20 - Journey to entrepreneurship
5:20 - Why were you knocking on doors at 18 years old?
7:10 - How did you start landing deals in the beginning?
9:15 - What were the purpose of your partnerships?
12:50 - Did you have a mentor walking you through the sales process?
15:20 - What type of message are you sending to get people to want to talk to you?
18:30 - What’s your conversion of mail pieces to leads?
22:00 - How did you decide if you wanted to sell, flip, etc.. a property?
27:00 - Are you a fan of seeking hard money or going down the partnership route?
31:40 - What many investors careers get stifled because they get so stuck on what the house is worth today?
34:30 - Do you have a preference about the property type to invest in?
36:50 - What are some common mistakes investors make?
41:20 - What do you allocate for emergency funds of your properties?
43:20 - How did you get by after quitting your job and starting your business?
49:30 - Do you ever turn a house to a rental because you see the cashflow potential?
53:40 - If you could give 2 pieces of advice to your younger self, what would it be?
55:50 - Last words of advice from Devan to the audience



