Top Real Estate Investor Linda Liberatore is the founder and president of My Landlord Helper, an online virtual assistant for DIY real estate investors and landlords. Linda goes in depth on what is included in her software, some major mistakes new landlords make when renting a property, how to stay focused and driven, and so much more! Check it out!

0:01 - Introduction
2:40 - Journey to entrepreneurship
5:00 - Did you always have an interest in computers?
6:20 - When did you start public speaking?
9:30 - When did you become your own tech company owner?
13:30 - Can you describe how you try to make clients understand to buy below your budget?
18:30 - Where do most landlords make mistakes?
26:30 - Linda elaborates on her property management software
34:10 - Is your software for property owners or landlords? Who is it for?
37:10 - Where to find out more about Linda and her software
39:20 - What are some big obstacles you’ve had to overcome in your business?
43:50 - If you could give your younger self 2 pieces of advice to use in your business, what would it be?
46:10 - Are you able to relax and slow down on your business or do you find vacations hard to manage?
48:40 - Last words of advice and motivation for the audience



