Liz Johnson is a real estate farming MASTER with a background of being a Top Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Team Leader, Police Officer, Army Vet, and even a best selling author! Liz was actually a special guest request from our Private GSD Mode Mastermind Facebook Group, where we have thousands of real estate agents together available to answer questions, help with problems, give suggestions, etc..(, and she was nice enough to join us here at GSD Mode and we couldn’t be happier! Her small team of agents sold over 120 deals last year, so she definitely knows what she’s doing! Listen as Liz and Joshua chop it up about real estate farming, advice she would give to mothers who are real estate agents, key aspects that she uses in her business for lead generation and repeat clients, and so much more!


0:01 - Introduction

6:15 - Interview Start

7:30 - How did you end up working in the real estate industry?

11:10 - How did you start building your databases in your real estate business?

13:10 - Why do you think law enforcement officers do so well in real estate?

15:20 - What was your business like before the last major real estate market crash?

17:20 - What kept you pushing through your hardships when you were having personal and business struggles?

19:30 - Advice Liz would give to Mothers who are also Real Estate Agents

22:30 - Why did you transitioning from doing cold calling to no longer doing them? Why not do everything at once?

25:10 - What is your reach out looking like to past and present clients?

34:40 - What percentage of your business is coming from your presents/gifts?

37:30 - What are some things you are doing in your farm to generate success?

40:30 - How do you sell all day without making it seem like you are a saleswoman?

44:50 - You experienced rapid growth in your business last year, did that hurt you or help you?

49:00 - Do you think your clients respect your schedule because you have such deep relationships with them?

53:00 - Do you see yourself ever becoming a real estate coach?

54:50 - What are 2 pieces of advice you would give to your younger self?

56:00 - Where to learn more about Liz

57:30 - Last words of advice for the GSD Mode audience

58:30 - How long does somebody have to stick to it before they start making money real estate farming?



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