About This Episode

In this episode, we speak to Brock Murray about how SEO works to generate leads for your association to increase your membership numbers. He discussed all the best practices in creating content with SEO in mind and he also shared with us the tools he recommends for tracking your traffic. He also delved into Google Analytics and how we can maximize this tool in our SEO campaigns. 

About Our Guest

We are privileged to have, seoplus+ co-founder and COO, Brock Murray as our guest speaker for this episode. Brock is an SEO (search engine optimization) giant with experience in local, national and international SEO. He knows all things content marketing strategy and Google Analytics.

Full List of Questions from the Podcast

Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do.

Can you tell us in brief why associations should invest in SEO?

For an association, what areas of SEO should they focus on?

You mentioned that content should be in depth; what defines depth in the SEO world?

How long should your blogs be?

Any advice on identifying keywords?

When we are working on SEO, how far do you recommend an association keep the SEO work in-house before bringing in a consultant?

SEO algorithms are always changing—you catch up with the current standards and then they change. How can we keep up and stay relevant?

Is it possible to create evergreen content (pillar content or topic clusters) that will always be relevant and desirable to search engines?

How would you come up with pillar content?

Idea of creating content around pain points of your membership.

Will Google penalize us for sharing the same blog on different platforms?

For the average association, what key performance metrics should they pay attention to for SEO?

If an association’s website is on the third page in Google search results, what does the association need to do to get to the first page in Google search results?

Can you recommend any SEO monitoring tools, for example with competitive intelligence?

Say that an association ranks on the top page of Google search results, how can an association improve the user experience on their site once they click?

Leveraging your high Google Search ranking to establish yourself as an authority in your field.

Associations have different types of content on their sites (eg. blogs, webinars, etc); is there a way to inter-connect the content for better SEO results?

How much content should an association have on its site?

How often should an association publish new content?

Is there a way to MISSING INFO to get better results?

The difference between investing in SEO and paid ads?

Does having webpages that are low traffic hurt your SEO?

Here is the list of questions we asked Brock, for your reference:

What is your advice to associations who haven’t started their digital marketing for their association: where should we start?

What is one potential SEO trend that is not popular now that you see gaining traction in 2022?

What are your top tools for SEO analytics?

What are the most important Google Analytics metrics to watch?

How do you think Core Web Vitals will start affecting websites in search?

For membership sites where most of the quality content is hidden behind the member login, SEO cannot see these pages. How can we balance keeping content private to members but benefit from SEO from those pages.

Sharing teaser content and using pay walls for SEO search engines can see the content but users cannot.

Do you have any key takeaway for our audience?

Can you share a personal habit that contributed to your success?

Can you share a digital tool or strategy that helps you with your work?

Special acknowledgement to our guests for providing powerful insights into membership management. 

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