This week we take a extra deep dive into the Canadian billionaire power couple Gerry Schwartz and Heather Reisman. With his predatory private equity acumen and her tenacity to run other bookstores and plant shops out of business they have accumulated a vast net worth which they’re using to host fundraisers for Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg. Why have so many billionaires lined up behind his dark horse candidacy and what do they hope to gain? And did these two scions of Canadian business actually do anything to “earn” their money besides asset stripping, corporate bust outs, age discrimination, and fraud? Find out here!

*EPISODE CORRECTION*: Gerry Schwartz and Heather Reisman *have not* donated money directly to Pete Buttegieg. Canadian citizens are not allowed to donate to US candidates for federal office. They did however use their Nantucket mansion to host a fundraiser for him so providing that material benefit is to us functionally equivalent to being donors. Apologies for not clarifying this distinction though.

Some sources used in this episode: