The biggest CEO and Governor in both size, width, and breadth. Jim Muthafuckin “Boy Uh I say I say boy” Justice. So Jim, do you really, like reaaaally actually act as a CEO over 100 companies? Oh… really? I mean seems like that’s a lot on your plate while also being a Governor… oh you also coach a High School girls Basketball team? That sure is a lot time that you could be fixing your states economy, or I don’t know maybe improving Health and Welfare… OH Infrastructure yeah that’s failing and uhh… Wait, Did you say High School girls Basketball team?! Oh no… oh no no no no no.

Here is a link to the Forbes Article Sean mentioned, if you’re into the whole reading thing. (There is also an audio version in the article, so don’t worry)

Don’t forget to check out Yogi and Sean in Seattle and Portland if you are in the year 2021 in Late September. Although if this is in the future. You should just check out their standup whenever. They’re pretty damn good at it.