Andrew Kap is an experienced entrepreneur and the #1 best-selling author of the book, The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read. Andrew has helped thousands of entrepreneurs discover how to attract and manifest the money, relationships, health, and success they’ve always dreamed of. He also runs a popular YouTube channel that provides fun and unique explanations on how to easily use the Law of Attraction in simple and powerful ways.

In this episode…

What if you could manifest your greatest desires—whether that means business success, financial freedom, or the relationship of your dreams? Sound too good to be true? According to entrepreneur and author Andrew Kap, not only is it possible, but it’s actually easier than you think.

With the methodology outlined in his book, The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read, Andrew has helped thousands of people attract and achieve their biggest goals and dreams. So, what makes his approach to the Law of Attraction different? As Andrew says, you can’t force the universe to bend to your will. However, by focusing on gratitude for the sake of enjoyment, you can attract and invite your greatest desires into your reality. 

In this episode of Growth to Freedom, Dan Kuschell is joined by Andrew Kap, the author of The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read. Andrew talks about the common myths associated with the Law of Attraction and explains why his approach is different. He also shares two of his valuable attraction techniques: “The Time Lapse” and “The Gratitude Blitz.” Stay tuned to discover how to start manifesting your greatest dreams and desires today!