Joe Polish is the Founder of Genius Network®, an exclusive group of the most brilliant and successful entrepreneurs on the planet. He is a world-renowned marketer and has helped thousands of businesses, from large corporations to small family-owned companies, generate hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. 

Additionally, Joe is the Founder and President of Piranha Marketing and the host of three top-rated business and marketing podcasts, including I Love Marketing. He is also a passionate philanthropist and the Founder of Genius Recovery, which works to change the global conversation around addiction and recovery.

In this episode…

What does it take to become a wildly successful entrepreneur? A great idea? An effective marketing strategy? An expert team? While these are all important components to business growth, Joe Polish says that true success lies in relationships. 

So, what is the key to forming great connections in your industry? As the creator of Genius Network®, Joe has built relationships with some of the top entrepreneurs in the world. According to him, genius networking is about leading with value, helping in a genuine way, and being a results leader rather than a thought leader. 

Joe Polish, the Founder of Genius Network®, joins Dan Kuschell in this episode of Growth to Freedom to talk about genius networking and how to forge valuable relationships as an entrepreneur. Together, they discuss the biggest mistakes business leaders make when growing their network, the best time management strategies for entrepreneurs, and Joe’s tips for building a successful business. Plus, Joe shares the driving force behind Genius Recovery, his addiction recovery organization.