Dan Kuschell is an accomplished entrepreneur, business advisor, and author. He currently runs Breakthrough3x, a company that helps founders and entrepreneurs triple their profits and impact without multiplying their workload and stress. 

Dan has owned 11 companies since 1992, building multiple businesses with revenues exceeding eight figures before selling. He is also the host of the Growth to Freedom podcast, where he interviews industry leaders and experts in a variety of fields.

In this episode…

Referrals are one of the best ways to grow your business and boost revenue, but asking for them can be challenging. If your referral program feels too salesy or complex, your clients aren’t going to take the time to join. So, what strategies can you leverage to start generating more referrals today?

According to Dan Kuschell, it is possible to create a referral program that clients actually want to take part in. As he says, it all comes down to four simple steps: delivering value, shifting your language, simplifying the process, and thinking outside of the box. When you stop trying to implement a one-size-fits-all approach, you can start creating a referral program that is memorable, compelling, and impactful. 

In this episode of Growth to Freedom, Dan Kuschell shares his simple and effective approach to generating more referrals for your business today. Dan explains how to create a referral program that compels your clients instead of convincing them, the language to use when crafting your offer, and why a personal message always pays off. Tune in to discover these tried-and-true tips!