What would it be worth to you if you could conquer the voices of doubt… or the voice that may tell you you’re not good enough?

My guest on today’s episode is Dr. Cristy Lopez and she’s going to share the P.E.A.C.E. process to mindfulness and living in the present - and what that means for you is more growth, significance, and impact.

Too often we spend the bulk of our energy focusing on things that are external to us, things that are outside our control. Things like other people, situations, worries and fears. When we do that we’re using our most precious commodities, time and energy, to lead ourselves down a path that is not only unhelpful, but also destructive.

Today Dr. Cristy Lopez shows us what we can do to get our mind off the things that we can’t control by learning to live mindfully in the present moment, even if that moment is something we’d define as “bad.”

It is what it is. That’s not such a bad way of looking at life.

She does that by sharing her “P.E.A.C.E.” approach to mindfulness. Those letters stand for - Physiology, emotions, actions, cognition, and extrasensory - and she walks us through each of those areas, explaining what it means and it’s vital that you learn how to put them into practice to help set you free from negative or limiting thought patterns and also to set you up for greater things in the future.


Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn in this show:

Acceptance VS Settling, Mindfulness and more (Introduction); [0:33] Why I feel this is a very important distinction to make in your life; [1:07] What do I mean, acceptance VS settling? [2:07] How perfectionism or “I’m not good enough” holds you back; [3:50] Using gratitude to battle mediocrity and perfectionism; [6:10] What IS mindfulness? [8:48] Why “It is what it is” - is a great mindset (acceptance); [10:56] Practices to stay more in the present and in a place of acceptance; [12:28] Why Dr. Lopez recommends using meditation to be more present; [13:36] Using the PEACE process of mindfulness: Physiology, emotions, actions, cognition, and extrasensory; [14:30] Practices I use each day to remain present and mindful; [17:51] How you can receive my free gift to you; [20:05]


Get in touch with Dr. Cristy Lopez

Website: www.CristyLopezPhd.com Phone: 602-323-7824

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CristyLopezPhD

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CristyLopezPhD

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drcristylopez

Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Cristylopezphd

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdzg1Nhezc-yy3lAyKZ2Hw


Resources mentioned on this episode:

www.GrowthToFreedom.com/66 - last episode about detachment

www.GrowthToFreedom.com/58 - with Dr. Lopez

www.GrowthToFreedom.com/59 - with Dr. Lopez Headspace App


This show brought to you by Done for You Solutions. Outsourcing doesn’t have to be difficult. Whether you’re looking for customer service, optimizing your website, or a virtual assistant to help with reporting, data, or research, Done for You Solutions can help. I’ve used Done for You Solutions for years and they help simplify. Click here to learn more and let the founder Ric Thompson know that you heard about him from our show.

Genius Network is the place high level entrepreneurs go for collaboration, contribution, and connections not available anywhere else. Members get strategies for exponential growth and opportunities for deal making, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, and more. Membership is by application only. Click here to learn more. I was one of the original members when Joe started it in 2007 and today I get to help grow the company in my current role. You can also learn more about the Genius Network Annual Event here – which is the one time per year the group is opened to non-members.



People mentioned on this episode:

Brian Tracy





Dan Kuschell is a success driven business growth strategist, a media contributor, and thought leader. He helps entrepreneurs, leaders, and business owners grow and scale their companies 10x by driving the flow of elegant ideas, execution, and team-culture for greater clarity, confidence, and direction. Dan has been recognized worldwide for creating results with his resources, books, and strategies.

Meet Dan at http://www.DanKuschell.com

Get more access to Dan's wisdom here: http://www.youtube.com/ChampionVision

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