Matt Johnson is the Founder and CEO of Pursuing Results, a done-for-you podcasting agency for business coaches, consultants, and thought leaders. He is also the host of the MicroFamous podcast, the only marketing podcast designed for business coaches, consultants, and thought leaders, which aims to help them install the MicroFamous system into their expert business. He is also the author of the book, MicroFamous: Become Famously Influential to the Right People.

Matt’s unique marketing strategy helps leaders reach the right people online, build the perfect audience, and create influence that converts into real sales and ROI.

In this episode…

Many entrepreneurs, consultants, and business leaders subscribe to the idea that the key to success is generating the maximum number of eyeballs on a piece of content. With this in mind, they hustle for hours every day to create mass amounts of posts and engage with hundreds—if not thousands—of people on social media. But what if there was a way to get the same results while spending half the amount of time and energy?

With freedom being one of his core business values, Matt Johnson wanted to find an alternative to this hustler methodology. That’s when he discovered that generating the right views on your content works just as well as generating the maximum views. Based on this discovery, Matt developed his MicroFamous strategy, which helps business leaders reach the right people online, build an audience, and create influence that converts into real sales. 

Matt Johnson, the Founder and CEO of Pursuing Results and host of the MicroFamous podcast, joins Dan Kuschell on this episode of Growth to Freedom to discuss his MicroFamous strategy. Matt explains what it means to be “microfamous,” how to use this marketing strategy to increase your sales, and why generating maximum views on social media isn’t always the key to success. He also shares his advice for reaching your goals and achieving more freedom as an entrepreneur. Stay tuned!