Mel Abraham, The Entrepreneurs Solution, Innovation, The Announcement at South by Southwest with Twitter and Meerkat on Growth to Freedom with Dan Kuschell | E:003

Insights and wisdom from Mel Abraham (best-selling author, business growth & valuation expert) on The Entrepreneur’s Solution: The Modern Millionaire’s Path to More Profits, Fun, and Freedom, The Big Announcement from South by Southwest regarding Twitter and Meerkat, and Dr. Cristy Lopez reveals insights into the traits of innovators, leaders, and coaches from the recently inspired article from Brenna Snider and Hamoon Ekhtiari on this Episode of Growth to Freedom with Dan Kuschell

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How do you add more value and profit on purpose? Simple - The Entrepreneur’s Solution

Today, you will discover the process, model, and formula to create a future with purpose and profits – and creating a life that is meaningful by design.


Discover things like:

What is The Entrepreneur’s Solution and how can it help you be a better leader, team member, parent, and business owner; How to Execute the Business Mastery Blueprint – principles and tactics for lifelong success; The turning point decision that transforms a life of mediocrity to meaning, purpose, and legacy; How the ‘Corridor Principle’ creates new doors of opportunities today, tomorrow, and for a lifetime – and how Mel taught this to his son Jeremy while he was running his first successful business; HINT – Mel actually recommended that Jeremy go to college and you’ll find out why and how the Corridor Principle applies whether you’re new, successful, or starting over; Why today is the best time in history for you to succeed as an Entrepreneur – and what you need to do today to get the competitive advantage; Why Mind-set is the core foundation for future success – and how identity (how you see yourself) what you stand for (your values), can create the ultimate exponential multiplier to make you unique to your competition – and the shocking statistic that 73% of companies don’t have this right; The shocking statistic about values - and the link to growth, innovation, and long term sustainability; A simple exercise to stimulate your creativity and innovation; and much, much more…

PLUS – you can get Mel’s book here while supplies last (for free plus a nominal shipping fee): Get Mel’s book here:

Mel Abraham is a modern day renaissance man. He’s a CPA, valuation expert, two-time inductee into the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame, philanthropist, and best-selling author of The Entrepreneur’s Solution: The Modern Millionaire’s Path to More Profit, Fans, and Freedom and founder of Business Breakthrough Academy and Business Builder Toolkit to help you bring your business to the world and create the lifestyle you deserve.


Here’s praise from some of the top experts:

"I agree with Mel’s theory: The only way to find out just how great we can be is to take an entrepreneurial approach to our future. “The Entrepreneur’s Solution” is more than a business mastery blueprint, it’s a plan for a successful life." --- Harvey Mackay, author of the #1 NY Times bestseller "Swim With The Sharks"

It’s rare that I get excited about a book unexpectedly. Mel’s book made me want to jump up and shout yes! Read it. You’ll see. --- Chris Brogan, author of "The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth"

This fast-moving book puts you onto the high road to financial success, and then shows you how to step on the accelerator. --- Brian Tracy, Advisor and bestselling author

"The Entrepreneur’s Solution" is full of meaningful examples of how to build a business from the heart out. --- JJ Virgin CNS, CHFS Celebrity Nutrition & Fitness Expert, NY Times bestselling author of "The Virgin Diet" and the new "Sugar Impact Diet "

Mel gives you the art of Entrepreneurship from a real world perspective. This is what it takes to build something that is meaningful, successful and sustainable based on what you value most. A must read. --- David Bach, 9 Time NY Times bestselling author including the #1 NY Times bestsellers "The Automatic Millionaire" and "Start Late, Finish Rich"

Read this book if you're serious about launching your entrepreneurial dreams. Rich with inspiration and ideas to fuel your rise to legendary. Massively valuable. --- Robin Sharma, #1 bestselling author of "The Leader Who Had No Title"

Get Mel’s book here:

In addition, Dr. Cristy Lopez joins in the conversation as we discuss South by Southwest, Innovation, and multiple techniques you can use today like:

* Transform from one level to a higher level; HINT – if you want to be an eagle, hang out with eagles. This strategy works, even if you’re a duck- you’ll find out why;

* How to apply the right strategy and mindset from Brenna Snider’s insight and article on Forbes (at ) on Innovation as it relates to the 5 Personalities of innovators: Mover and Shaker, Experimenter, Star Pupil, Controller, Hanger On;

* The application of the Innovator Types presented by Hamoon Ekhtiar (Mar 2nd article at with the Thinker (your head), the Builder (your hands), and the Mobilizer (your heart);

* And much, more to provide you greater focus, direction, and creativity for growth and freedom

PLUS – the NEWS from South by Southwest ( Twitter just announced that it had cut of Meercat from it’s platform. Is it the end of Meercat? Only time will tell. However it’s a great lesson to not rely on one ‘channel’ or ‘source’ for growth. You (and I) have to plan for contingency and this applies to life, business, and relationship. You must be prepared for disruption today and Growth to Freedom will show you how to navigate, prepare, and transform your life, business, and relationships.

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Dan Kuschell is a success driven business growth hacker, strategist and expert, a media contributor, and thought leader. He helps entrepreneurs, leaders, and business owners grow and scale their companies 10x by driving the flow of elegant ideas, execution, and team-culture for greater clarity, confidence, and direction. Dan has been recognized worldwide for creating results with his resources, books, and strategies.

Brian Tracy, founder of Brian Tracy International on Dan's work: “...Full of time tested proven strategies you can use immediately to get better results... ”

Mark Victor Hansen, Co-Author, Chicken Soup for the Soul, on Dan's work: “...His ideas are shared in a simple, practical way that will have you believing in your dreams again and give you the steps to take action and produce massive results in your life...”

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