Jamie Mustard is a strategic multi-media consultant and award-winning author of the book The Iconist: The Art and Science of Standing Out. He has identified the primal laws of what makes any idea or message iconic, and is now using this information to help professionals, artists and brands stand out to their desired audiences. 

Jamie is a graduate of the London School of Economics, and he has worked with some of the world’s leading companies, such as Adidas, Intel, and Wieden + Kennedy. Most recently, he was interviewed live on stage with Mindhunter lead actor and movie star, Holt McCallany. 

Jamie’s purpose is to share the power of getting attention in an over-messaged-to culture. When we get attention at will, we can motivate and inspire others, adapt faster, get buy-in, improve organizational culture, generate demand, increase productivity, creativity and ultimately be more fulfilled as organizations and individuals.

In this episode…

Have you ever had an idea, a message, or a product that you wanted to put out into the world? What held you back? Was it the feeling of invisibility? The feeling that in a world overloaded with content, it’s seemingly impossible to catch the attention of your audience? 

But should you give up on standing out that easily?

Jamie Mustard, author of the book The Iconist: The Art and Science of Standing Out knows first hand what it’s like to feel invisible. But he was able to push past it and make his presence known to everyone and he intends to help you cut through the noise and start standing out to your desired audience. Jamie has gone from invisibility to success, all thanks to his primal laws of becoming iconic. 

In this week’s episode, Dan Kuschell interviews Jamie Mustard about the personal and professional experiences that helped him stop being invisible and start standing out. Jamie talks about the biggest mistakes people make when trying to stand out, how to best identify your unique “road sign,” and the trigger of inspiration that started his journey toward success. Stay tuned.