Sam Silverstein, CSP, CPAE, is the Founder and CEO of The Accountability Institute, a business consultancy helping executives and entrepreneurs build accountable companies and create sustainable, high-performing cultures. He is an executive consultant on workplace culture and accountability and has written 12 books, including No More Excuses! and Non-Negotiable. As a Hall of Fame keynote speaker, Sam works with entrepreneurs, multinational companies, corporations, and government agencies to drive increased engagement and productivity. As a former executive and entrepreneur, he sold one of his businesses to a Fortune 500 company.

In this episode...

Many executives believe that organizational accountability refers to the spoken agreement with a team member to perform an assigned task. But if you want to embed accountability into your culture, you must make relational commitments to protect employees and foster their growth. Learn the leading secrets to cultivating an accountable culture to improve productivity.

As an accountability aficionado, Sam Silverstein says that by maintaining a commitment to support team members, you can inspire them to advance their performance. Building a culture of accountability requires identifying your value narrative, purpose, and mission through a comprehensive system. This should occur on both an individual and organizational level and the values should be created holistically to define the culture’s full scope. Leveraging tools to quantify productivity is also essential in developing this framework.

In today’s episode of Growth to Freedom, Sam Silverstein, the Founder and CEO of The Accountability Institute, joins Dan Kuschell to talk about how organizational accountability benefits company cultures. Sam shares how to implement accountability to deliver value, how he differentiates his methodology in the market, and the core mistakes of measuring accountability.