Building Authority, Super Credibility, and Expert Status Through Public Speaking With Joel Weldon: [PODCAST 88]

How much bigger of an impact would you have if you had greater authority?

Authority is what gives you instant credibility and status in the eyes of those you want to influence. And don’t misunderstand, this is not the authority that comes with a position or a title. You need the authority that comes from knowing something that will benefit those you are connecting with and speaking to (also known as your audience).

Today you’re going to hear from Genius Network Member and speaking coach, Joel Weldon. Joel is the Ultimate Speaking Coach and an amazing source of inspiration and wisdom when it comes to building authority, influence, and expert status with public speaking. In his 42+ year career, Joel has gone from being a shy carpenter to a full-time professional speaker – having done over 3,000 paid presentations and coaching and critiquing over 10,000 speakers.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn in this show with Joel Weldon: My welcome to you and the introduction to today’s show; [0:32] How would you like to have super authority, credibility, and super positioning? [1:26] My introduction to the Ultimate Speaking Coach: Joel Weldon; [2:05] How Joel got started in sales and was a terrible failure - and what you can learn; [4:52] The dramatic power of changing your thinking; [5:35] How does speaking help you gain authority, credibility, and position? [14:01] What it means to “be yourself” when speaking on stage; [17:10] Dealing with the temptation toward comparison instead of confidence; [19:54] Why introductions are so important in building influence; [21:06] How to go about packaging and presenting yourself uniquely (telling your story better); [24:50] How you can reach out to Joel Weldon; [31:12] Joel’s wisdom boiled down into one statement; [37:29] Resources mentioned on this episode: JoelWeldonSpeaker(at) The Strangest Secret


This show brought to you by Done for You Solutions. Outsourcing doesn’t have to be difficult. Whether you’re looking for customer service, optimizing your website, or a virtual assistant to help with reporting, data, or research, Done for You Solutions can help. I’ve used Done for You Solutions for years and they help simplify. Click here to learn more and let the founder Ric Thompson know that you heard about him from our show.

Genius Network is the place high level entrepreneurs go for collaboration, contribution, and connections not available anywhere else. Members get strategies for exponential growth and opportunities for deal making, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, and more. Membership is by application only.  Click here to learn more. I was one of the original members when Joe started it in 2007 and today I get to help grow the company in my current role. You can also learn more about the Genius Network Annual Event here – which is the one time per year the group is opened to non-members.


People mentioned on this episode: Earl Nightingale Joe Polish




Dan Kuschell is a success driven business growth strategist, a media contributor, and thought leader. He helps entrepreneurs, leaders, and business owners grow, optimize, and scale their companies. Dan has been recognized worldwide for creating results with his resources, books, and strategies.

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