Dan Kuschell is an accomplished entrepreneur, business coach, and author. He currently runs Breakthrough3x, a company that helps founders and entrepreneurs triple their profits and impact without multiplying their workload and their stress. 

Dan has owned 11 companies since 1992, building multiple businesses with revenues exceeding eight figures before selling. He is also the host of the Growth to Freedom podcast, where he interviews industry leaders and experts in a variety of fields. 

In this episode…

Is there a voice inside your head telling you that you aren’t good enough? Do you sometimes question whether you have the skills and knowledge to make your content stand out from the competition? Are you so afraid that your effort won’t work that you don’t even try?

It’s time to put a stop to that voice of doubt and start embracing the opportunities that are available to you. Luckily, entrepreneur and business coach Dan Kuschell has put together three simple steps to help you stand out and dominate your niche. According to Dan, it has never been easier for the little guy to surpass even the largest of companies. So, what are you waiting for? 

In this episode of the Growth to Freedom podcast, Dan Kuschell, founder of Breakthrough3x, talks about his three tried and true steps for standing out in your niche. Tune in as Dan explains how to add value to your marketplace, why you should invest a few pennies into video ads, and where to get access to his Video Script Generator tool.