What would it look like if your life as a masterpiece? Would you paint it in full color… or would it be a black and white?

On this episode of Growth to Freedom I’m going to talk straight from the heart about something I’m really fired up about. The opportunity you have to make your life a masterpiece… and getting the colors out and painting your masterpiece.

Life is short and you only get one shot at it. What are you willing to do for to make it the very best it can be? What you would accomplish if you KNEW you couldn’t fail? What would you reach for?

By the end of this episode I’m going to give you 3 steps to building a masterpiece life and a practical, paper and pencil exercise you can do to build a vision for your life’s definition of “incredible.”

Are you playing to win or are you just getting by?

Are there things that matter, big things, that you’re shooting for, or are you playing small? It’s the people with the drive to be warriors and champions who make a difference in the world. And those kinds of achievements are not about bragging rights, they’re the result of effectively, intentionally stewarding the life you’ve been given to make the most of it.

You can do it. I know you can. You can make your life into something incredible that touches the world in ways that only you can do. But you’ve got to stop playing small. It starts with a dream. It starts by thinking outside that box, and setting yourself to win.

If what I’m saying is stirring something inside, you then you’re exactly the person who needs to listen to this episode.


Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn in this show:

Dan’s welcome to you and the introduction to today’s show; [0:33] What would it take to make your life a masterpiece? [0:46] A scenario about your kids: Should your kids get hurt more? [3:14] Are you playing to win? Like a warrior? Full On? [4:35] What are you doing to prepare yourself to create a masterpiece? [7:01] What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? [7:40] Why pushing outside your comfort zone drives your bigger future. [10:03] Strategies to make your life a masterpiece. [12:30] School is always in session for true champions. [15:08] 3 Steps to building your life into a masterpiece. [16:48] A simple exercise to start building your foundation [22:03] And much more...


Resources mentioned on this episode:

www.GrowthToFreedom.com/14 - Interview with Dr. Jeremy Weisz

www.GrowthToFreedom.com/57 - Interview with Wim Hoff

Recent interviews with Dr. Cristy Lopez - www.GrowthToFreedom.com/57 and www.GrowthToFreedom.com/58



This show brought to you by Done for You Solutions. Outsourcing doesn’t have to be difficult. Whether you’re looking for customer service, optimizing your website, or a virtual assistant to help with reporting, data, or research, Done for You Solutions can help. I’ve used Done for You Solutions for years and they help simplify. Click here to learn more and let the founder Ric Thompson know that you heard about him from our show.

Genius Network is the place high level entrepreneurs go for collaboration, contribution, and connections not available anywhere else. Members get strategies for exponential growth and opportunities for deal making, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, and more. Membership is by application only. Click here to learn more. I was one of the original members when Joe started it in 2007 and today I get to help grow the company in my current role. You can also learn more about the Genius Network Annual Event here – which is the one time per year the group is opened to non-members.



People mentioned on this episode:

Dr. Jeremy Weisz

Wim Hoff

Dr. Cristy Lopez

Steve Jobs

Joe Polish

Oliver Wendell Holmes





Dan Kuschell is a success driven business growth strategist, a media contributor, and thought leader. He helps entrepreneurs, leaders, and business owners grow and scale their companies 10x by driving the flow of elegant ideas, execution, and team-culture for greater clarity, confidence, and direction. Dan has been recognized worldwide for creating results with his resources, books, and strategies.

Meet Dan at http://www.DanKuschell.com

Get more access to Dan's wisdom here: http://www.youtube.com/ChampionVision

Watch/Listen to the show: http://www.growthtofreedom.com

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