Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar. Without a proper diet, diabetes can lead to sugar build-up in the blood and cause dangerous complications like stroke, heart diseases, blindness, kidney failure, and nerve damage.

'Prameha', 'Pra' - Abundant, 'Meha' - urine or urination is the passing of frequent or large amounts of urine and is highly associated with Diabetes. This is a state of high level of blood sugar also known as hyperglycemia which is due to defective insulin production in the body.

According to Ayurveda, the major cause of diabetes  is aggravated Kapha dosha, which could be due to a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits.

There are three main types of prameha on the basis of predominance and derangement of doshas further subdivided into twenty types i.e. ten kaphaj, six pittas, and 4 avatars.

Kapha in Kaphaj,  is caused by excessive consumption of fresh pulses, curd, heavy and oily foods, or sweet foods. It affects lipid metabolism, the development of muscle tissue, and fluids in the urinary bladder that build up toxins which then pass through the urine and thereby cause prameha.

Pitta in Pittaj is aggravated due to excessive intake of hot, salty, and alkaline foods, irregular diet, excessive exposure to the sun, and anger. Conditions like this develop into prameha.

In Vataj, vayu causes prameha. Use of excessive amounts of pungent, bitter substances in foods, irregular eating habits,  eating cold foods, excessive exercise, emesis and purgation can cause this type of prameha.

The treatment of prameha in Ayurveda is dependent on the individual's body constitution i.e. prakriti.  It is an absolute requirement to switch over to a healthy lifestyle along with a suitable diet and exercise.