Hello Growth Minded Marriage Community! Kevin and I are still over here living our dream life, only much much slower and intentionally. We are loving our summer slow down and reset. Thanks for being patient while we take this break and gather ourselves for Season 2 coming September 2021.
Meanwhile, I had a burst of creative energy that I channeled into taking one step forward with a project that feels like something, just not exactly sure what yet. Thanks for being a safe and supportive place for me to leave this for the moment. Certainly feedback would be appreciated if you feel so inclined.
Message Me (Mary) @ [email protected]
And, yes, we are still working on a summer newsletter to our Growing Together email subscribers. Sign up HERE. Turns out that while we are honoring our commitment to truly slowing down, projects are moving slower than anticipated. We simply have to trust they will eventually get done. Ex. We have finally installed a new microwave that has been in our garage since June 2020. We haven't had a microwave for 9 1/2 years. This is big stuff. 

Growth Minded Marriage Podcast is committed to growth which means we are open to all feedback. 

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