Scott and I speak with Natsuyo Lipschutz, a leading strategist for elevating global leadership and cross-cultural communications, about the leadership it takes to connect across cultures for more effective business outcomes.

Born in Japan, Natsuyo is managing principal of her strategy consulting firm, ASPIRE Intelligence. She’s also an executive consultant for Breakthrough Speaking, a global public speaking consultancy.

In addition, she serves as the first Asian board director at the National Speakers Association New York City chapter, and is co-author of the Amazon bestselling book The Success Blueprint, and the audio course The Six Cs of Effective Storytelling.

You’ll gain insights on:

The types of “common sense” Natsuyo believes we need to “remove” when leading across culturesThree steps Natsuyo recommends for bridging hidden differences to create deeper trust and connection across culturesImmediately useful ideas for for leading to connect and build meaningful relationships across cultures