What was the key for this CEO to successfully bring her vision to life?

Download and listen-on-the-go to Episode 163. Scott and I speak with Tanya Hall, CEO of Greenleaf Book Group, one of the fastest growing publishing and distribution businesses in the industry.

Not only does Tanya drive the company’s growth efforts and foster a culture built around serving authors, she is also the author of the 2018 book, Ideas, Influence, and Income: Write a Book, Build Your Brand, and Lead Your Industry. (see more about Tanya Hall below)

You’ll gain insights about:

The most valuable leadership lesson Tanya ever learned, and how it has benefitted her and Greenleaf Book Group The four vision principles that Tanya and her team have developed Three immediately useful ideas for creating your own vision principles

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Find out what Tanya Hall, CEO of Greenleaf Book Group, says is the most valuable leadership lesson she ever learned | @tanyahall | #GrowthIgniters Tweet This About Tanya Hall

Tanya Hall is CEO of Greenleaf Book Group. She drives the company’s growth efforts and fosters a culture built around serving authors. Tanya built Greenleaf’s distribution organization from the ground up, working directly with retailers and wholesalers to develop one of the fastest-growing publishing and distribution businesses in the industry.

Before joining the publishing industry, Tanya worked in digital media and as a television producer. She is herself the author of the book, Ideas, Influence, and Income: Write a Book, Build Your Brand, and Lead Your Industry, which came out in 2018. She’s also a columnist for Inc.com and regularly speaks at business and publishing conferences. Read more about Tanya Hall and her team at Greenleaf Book Group

Resources for This Episode Read Tanya Hall’s Inc Magazine article, How Great CEOs Create Teams That Work Well Together Read about Tanya’s book, Ideas, Influence, and Income: Write a Book, Build a Brand, and Lead Your industry. Find out more about Greenleaf Book Group’s hybrid publishing model Download our “5 Questions To Ask When You Need to Move Even Faster” Open a Conversation With Us

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Read the Transcript

For your convenience, we’ve transcribed this conversation, with minor edits for written clarity. Read the transcript for this episode.

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