Trust in business and its leaders is eroding globally. What can you do about it in your company? Find out by listening- on-the-go to Episode 115. Scott and I discuss implications of the 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer survey which indicates a dramatic drop in trust of CEOs globally, and its potential impact for every leader. In this episode, you’llRead More

Trust in business and its leaders is eroding globally. What can you do about it in your company?

Find out by listening- on-the-go to Episode 115. Scott and I discuss implications of the 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer survey which indicates a dramatic drop in trust of CEOs globally, and its potential impact for every leader.

In this episode, you’ll gain perspectives on:

The significance of the growing trust deficit, and an often underestimated source of this dynamic
Examples of how detecting and resolving a surprising source of many issues can have a major positive impact on increasing trust
FAQs for creating powerful conversations to surface and resolve issues and boost trust in your company

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More About Pam Harper

Pamela S. Harper is the Founding Partner and CEO of Business Advancement Inc., a strategic growth advisory firm based in Glen Rock, NJ. For more than 20 years, Pam has applied her gift for finding the hidden opportunities in every situation to helping clients in entrepreneurial, mid-market, and Fortune 500 companies across 30 industries create hundreds of millions of dollars of value in both top and bottom line growth.

Prior to founding BAI, Pam skyrocketed into the ranks of management by taking a progressive series of newly created organizational development positions is companies ranging from mid-market to Fortune 500 across multiple industries, all undergoing dramatic change and growth.

Pam has been quoted in, featured in, or written articles for prominent business media including Business Week, Investor’s Business Daily,, and other major media. Her book, Preventing Strategic Gridlock, has been used as a text in universities around the world.

More About Scott Harper

D. Scott Harper, Ph.D.,  is Sr. Partner with Business Advancement Inc. Throughout his career Scott has devoted himself to understanding why things work the way they do, and how to apply those insights to create new value. Scott helps clients sift through complexity and take full advantage of opportunities by discovering the hidden side of everything.

Before joining BAI in 2010, Scott held a succession of increasingly accountable innovation positions in the consumer healthcare industry. Since then, he has been published and quoted in prominent business media outlets including Chief Executive Magazine,, CEO World Magazine, and the IndUS Business Journal.

Resources for This Episode

Request our complimentary Harper Report: How To Take Control of the “Elephant in the Room”
Read the Harvard Business Review article: Survey: People’s Trust Has Declined in Business, Media, Government, and NGOs
Explore the findings of The 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer
Read about Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead, by Dr. Brené Brown

Read the Episode 115 Transcript

For your convenience, we’ve transcribed this conversation, with minor edits for written clarity. Read the transcript.

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