In episode 49, Nathan Latka talks about what it is crucial to know your numbers backwards and forwards in order to be successful in your business or even your own personal finances. Learn why he is the most sued podcaster and how he built and sold a successful business all by the age of 26.

Nathan Latka (@NathanLatka) is the Founder and CEO of Heyo. After selling $70k worth of Facebook campaigns from his dorm room, he dropped out of college and has since raised over $2.5m from a Forbes Billionaire while supporting over 250,000 small business owners as they look to capture emails and drive sales from Facebook.

Nathan is a frequent contributor on Inside Facebook, All Facebook, and Social Media Today. His content is taught in the best-selling book, Facebook Marketing for Dummies. He is an expert in Facebook marketing, social analytics and social selling. Nathan doesn't care about big business and is focused on supporting 500,000 small business owners and entrepreneurs by 2017.
