In episode 19- we are joined by Alexa Carlin of Hello Perfect.

Alexa Carlin is a Motivational Speaker, Author, Periscope Broadcaster, and Founder of the non-profit movement Hello Perfect®.

Alexa started her first business at the age of 17, designing jewelry for the L.A. based fashion company, OmniPeace, where she donated 15% of sales to help build schools in Africa. Alexa’s mission is to empower people to love and believe in themselves so they can accomplish their dreams and make a difference in the world.

Her non-profit, Hello Perfect® works to build self-esteem in girls and women by focusing on the health of their mind, body, and spirit. The Hello Perfect movement has become a worldwide movement gaining support from celebrities such as Mark Cuban, Shaquille O’Neal, Marc Jacobs, Steve Madden, Michael Kors, and many others.

Alexa has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network and in the Huffington Post, Talking Good, Mashable, The Cut, Lydia Magazine, Beutiful Magazine, and Her Campus among others. She is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner. After almost losing her life to sepsis in January 2013, Alexa is committed to helping others heal themselves through nutrition and the mind.

She is a well-known broadcaster on the Periscope app and will be a featured speaker at the first Periscope Summit. Through this app she has built an engaged following called the “Good Vibe Tribe” and has received over 6.7 million hearts.

Alexa graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Arts in business administration and minors in mass communications and entrepreneurship.