From the moment I met @vibrantlywell, we kinda just clicked. ⁣She is soulful, genuine, and a level-5 empath who is never, EVER afraid to call the world out on it's diet mentality BS. She is the embodiment of all that she teaches, which, in my eyes, is one of the most integral qualities of those who lead.⁣ ⁣ Back in June, I was a guest on her show, "The Becoming Vibrant Podcast," and we had a juicy chat all about MONEY.⁣ ⁣ In it, we chat about common blocks & misconceptions we carry around money, the different channels in which wealth can flow to and from us, considerations for why and when to invest in ourselves (or when NOT to!), and I even shared my own personal journey of unlearning what no longer served me (confession: I used to have a hard time even buying myself SOCKS! ), while replacing that old programming with the NEW. ⁣ ⁣ We both had such an awesome time during this chat that I asked, "Hey - Can I share this on GROWradio some day?" to which she happily approved!

You can find the show notes and more information from this episode at