Micromanaging... let’s be honest. No boss wants to be labeled as a micromanager (or waste their time doing it!) and no team member wants to be micromanaged. However, in small businesses micromanaging happens all the time!

In this episode of the Growing Your Team podcast (our first informational episode!), I share what causes small business owners to start micromanaging their employees, why it’s not something you want to do even if you prefer to stay updated on team member work, and how to avoid or stop the cycle of micromanagement.


In this episode, we answer the questions:  Why should I be aware of the cycle of micromanagement even before I hire a team? (1:15) What is the dangerous cycle of micromanagement? (2:06) I don’t intend to micromanage my team, do I still need to worry about this topic? (2:42) What happens in a small business to cause team members to become dependent on the business owner and become a time drain? (3:23) How can I avoid micromanaging new team members? (5:45) What do I do if I find that I’m micromanaging current team members? (6:15) Should I be concerned if I need to train a team member more than once on the same topic? (7:46) Should I really let lower-level positions have decision making power? (10:10)


Next Steps:

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