Did you know that black applicants receive 36% fewer calls for interviews than equally qualified white applicants?

Both are qualified to be invited to interview, but one is knocked out of the running simply because they are assumed black based on their name.

It's not a fun statistic to hear, but it's true. It's also a statistic that has not changed in over 30 years!

​As business owners, we have the opportunity to change this statistic. We have an obligation to make hiring choices based on skills and abilities and not based on skin color.

​It's not enough to simply not want to discriminate because too often, it happens in the subconscious. You have to consciously take the steps to not discriminate during the hiring process.

The question is, how do you do that? In this episode of the Growing Your Team Podcast, you'll learn three ways to avoid discriminating in the hiring process. 


In this episode, you'll hear: 

How we have a responsibility as business owners to stop systematic racism starting within our own businesses.  How growing your team will increase your ability to fight for the social changes you stand behind.  Why we need to makes sure we're hiring based on the skills and abilities our business needs and not let biases get in the way of making sound hiring decisions.  What you should look for when reviewing a resume to ensure you're not discriminating based on someone's name.  Why you should avoid looking at social media profiles when deciding if a candidate should get an interview.  How looking at social media profiles can lead to legal issues.  Why preparing in advance will help you avoid discriminating in the hiring process.   Related Episodes:

Ep21 – Why You Need to Leave Your Feelings Out of the Hiring Process


Next Steps:

Where could your business go with a strong team of support to help get you there?

Imagine what goals you could achieve, the time you could save, clients and customers you could serve, and the revenue growth that could happen with the right people surrounding you in your business.

Can you see it?

While you might be able to imagine it, you might not be confident about the steps you need to take to get there. 

At Growing Your Team, we can help. Schedule your free Jump-Start Consultation today.