Are you asking the right kind of questions when you interview candidates for your open positions?

While there are many questions you can ask, there is one type of question that is essential to ask. That type of question is behavioral interview questions.

Listen to this episode of the Growing Your Team podcast to learn more about behavioral interview questions and why you're putting yourself at risk when the majority of your interview questions don't fall into this category. 


In this episode, you'll hear: 

Why interviews are an important step when searching for a new team member. Why you should determine if a candidate can the job before you care if they fit your culture. What behavioral interview questions are and how they will help you figure out if a candidate is the right person for your opening.  Why you should avoid hypothetical questions during an interview. How past performance is the best indicator of future performance.  How to prepare questions that uncover the information you need to make a good hiring decision.    Related Episodes:

Learn more about interviewing candidates through these Growing Your Team podcast episodes:

Ep15 - Learning How to Conduct Better Interviews

Ep22 - Making a Good First Impression with Video Interviews with Liz M. Lopez


Next Steps:

Is a lack of time holding you back from scaling your business?

You dream of the days when you can focus on your zone of genius instead of being stuck doing all the things, and, you long for working fewer hours while still being able to grow your revenue.

You might think that long hours and being overworked is just a part of owning a business, but it’s actually a sign that you need to hire help.

Of course, hiring any new team member is a big step, and you most likely have questions.

It’s time for you to get the answers.

Schedule your Preparing to Hire session, let's will dig into your business and determine:

 - If it’s the right time for your business to hire a new team member

 - What tasks you should get off your plate first to give you back the time you need and produce the best financial ROI

 - The roles and responsibilities of the new team member so you can be clear and confident on who to hire

 - Whether you should hire a contractor (like a VA or Social Media Manager), or a part-time or full-time employee

Learn more and schedule your session today: Preparing to Hire