Feelings and emotions tend to drive most of our decisions. However, when it comes to hiring team members, we need to avoid letting ourselves hire based on emotions. 

When we let emotions lead our hiring decisions, we run the risk of hiring the wrong person. Hiring the wrong team member can lead to a waste of resources and the need to start the hiring process over again to find the right new hire. 

Listen to this episode of the Growing Your Team podcast to learn who you need to leave your feelings out of the hiring process. 


In this episode, you'll hear: 

Why you need to prove that a candidate can do the job rather than leading your decision making process with feelings. How to structure your hiring process to make sure you're making the right decisions.  The only time you're allowed to bring feelings into the hiring process. The reality of what happens when you hire a team member based on emotions.  How you're setting your new team member up for failure when you hire based on emotions Jamie's story of when she also made the mistake of hiring the wrong person based on an emotional reaction and what stopped her in her tracks.   Related Episodes:

This episode refers to the following Growing Your Team podcast episodes:

Ep18 - Why Grateful Leaders Have Better Businesses with Jen McFarland


Next Steps:

Do you need help navigating the hiring process so you ensure you are making the best hiring decisions for your small business? 

Schedule your free Hiring Jump-Start call. During this free call, we will talk about where you are in the hiring process and what your hiring needs are.  If there's a match, I'll share how I can help you navigate the process so you take the right steps and select the best team member for your company.

Book your call here.


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