In your small business, do you embrace remote work or do you require all employees to come to your business location? Whether you have ever considered letting your employees work remote before, the current events related to the Coronavirus (which is highly impacting the world at the release of this episode), has forced the idea of remote working upon us.

This might leave you in one of three places:

You work from home already or remote work is already your norm. Business is moving as usual. Your business is forced to close because business cannot be done remotely. (Take this time to work on all those projects you keep putting off!) You're having team members work from home, and this is not your norm. You're figuring it out, but it's a challenge.

Well, if you're in that third bucket, or you think it's time to start figuring out how you can add remote work to the future of your business, then this episode of the Growing Your Team podcast is for you. Learn why you should embrace remote work, it's benefits, and why we need to let go of the business norms that were created when businesses operated very differently than they do today. 

In this episode, you'll hear:  Why it's a myth that remote workers are not as effective as in office workers (3:16) The number one resource business owners should invest in to learn why having remote workers all the time is a good business plan (5:24) How your customers don't care where your team members work; they only care that the work is done (6:29) The truth about kids and how they distract your employees when they work from home (7:32) The unexpected benefits of having remote staff (12:44)

Related Episodes:

Check out Episode 11 to learn how Amanda Evans built her highly successful business with a remote staff. 

Next Steps:

Do you want support and encouragement as you hire and lead your perfect-fit team?

Join the Growing Your Team Facebook community! With the support of Jamie and other small business owners, you can grow a business that’s bigger than you!

Next Steps:

Do you want support and encouragement as you hire and lead your perfect-fit team?

Join the Growing Your Team Facebook community! With the support of Jamie and other small business owners, you can grow a business that’s bigger than you!