Chris Pinault is back for another BONUS episode of the Growing Your Team podcast. This month, we're talking about the gig economy.  

Did you know that small businesses hire about 40% of gig economy workers? And, chances are, as a small business you are being hired by others as part of the gig economy. 

Listen to this month's bonus conversation with Chris and learn what the gig economy is, how new laws might impact you, and how you might be participating in the gig economy with your small business. 

  About Chris Pinault:

Chris Pinault is the owner of Centric Leadership, a people-centered training and development company located in Saint Petersburg, FL. Chris is a certified coach, trainer, facilitator, and strategist that helps people gain massive traction on their most important work.

His mission is to help people live a life ‘of purpose on purpose’ while developing more servant leaders in the world. He maintains service and empowerment as his highest values and is highly involved with the community and local charities. Chris facilitates many events engaging others to grow personally, professionally, and to build more positive human relationships.

Some of Chris’s other hobbies include meditation, the outdoors, photography, lifelong learning, and saying “hello” to random strangers. Chris can never resist a conversation about concepts and theories, loves to shift people’s perspectives, and has always loved the word ‘Awesome’.


In this episode, we discuss: Our opinions on what the term "gig economy" means. (2:10) A common client question about whether new gig economy laws impact you. (3:18) How you can benefit positively from the gig economy as a small business. (7:04) The surprising impact short-term, gig style workers can have on a business and your clients (the good and the bad!) (10:15) How every one hour you spend planning can save you HOURS of rework time. (14:56) Why it might be in your best interest to avoid the path of least resistance. (17:40) Important things to consider in order to build strong teams if your company is going to have a blend of employees and contractors working together. (19:41) How the gig economy started with jazz players and farmers. (24:55) Related Episodes:

Learn more about the difference between employees and independent contractors in these episodes:

Ep07 - What's the True Difference Between Employees & Independent Contractors?

Ep08 – How to Avoid the Risk of Employee Misclassification with April Goodwin


How to Connect with Chris:

Website -

Email: [email protected]


Next Steps:

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