Story telling is a critical strategy in the sales process. In this episode we outline a 4 step process to building stories and give examples of ways that good and bad stories can influence a prospect.


A good story can get the brain to search for similarities to something in your own life.The brain needs things delivered in a story format.Without the story the brain has to search and create one and things can get confusing.In the absence of a great story the prospect will create their own story and they can decide whether your product or service is valuable to them.A story allows the salesperson to illustrate a point without directly confronting the prospect about their belief.Selling is emotional regardless of what some salespeople will tell you.Step 1 of storytelling is identifying a prospects false belief.Step 2 is brainstorm stories that illustrate the new belief.Step 3 is to catalogue the stories and organize them by false belief. Step 4 is practicing telling the stories. Pay attention to the prospects reaction to see how you are doing.Testimonials are one of the best story telling techniques to break false beliefs online.Keep the story simple. Stories must be relatable. Character must be like the prospect.The story must be authentic and must feel real.