The most important concept for getting a meeting with the right decision-maker, is convincing them that it’s in their best interest to take time to meet with you – you need to demonstrate that you’re either going to save them money, make them more money, make life easier, improve their image, or solve a particular business problem.

There are four parts to this: credibility, a script, the follow-up, and using simple terms.

To improve your credibility, Robert suggests getting someone else to make the call on your behalf. You should also include any credentials you have in your email signature block, create and maintain a professional online image, a custom email domain, and professional phone system.

Robert recommends using a script. If you don’t have a script, you will lose control of the conversation. In written or online communication, it would be a template or sales letter. You need to start the conversation with a hook to give them a reason to talk to you – something relevant in the news or some event that may affect them. Then the script needs to follow a basic outline: who you are, why they need to listen to you, a brief offer of what they gain from listening to you, and close for the appointment.

The follow-up is important to avoid the meeting being cancelled or the prospect not showing up for the meeting. Robert reminds us that, although we might feel like we’re annoying them with emails, there’s no such thing as sending too many reminders. The more you can get them to remember you, the better your chance of having a successful meeting.

It’s important to speak in simple terms. If a fifth grader can’t understand it, it’s probably too complicated.

If you’re cold-calling via phone, should you do it yourself or have someone else do it? If someone else does it, they just need to follow a script, and it sets you up in the eyes of the prospect as being important enough to not have to make your own calls. Robert elaborates on the pro’s and cons of using third-party services and/or making the calls yourself.


If you make the call yourself, you have to work hard to not come across as just another salesperson.“Your website is the modern version of your business card, so it better look professional.”“When you talk to them, get to the point quickly and talk to them about their needs and desires.”

“A prospect doesn’t care about you or your business, what your background is, or anything else. And yet, most salespeople, that’s what they do immediately.”

“Speak English. If a fifth grader doesn’t understand what you’re saying, it’s probably too complicated.”“You can’t send too many emails.”“People ignore regular mail, but a FedEx is always going to make it to the decision-maker’s desk.”“Your whole approach to selling the meeting with the decision-maker is to figure out how you can show them that it’s going to be worth their time to meet with you. Nothing else matters at this stage.”“Take action. Nothing happens until you do.”

Resources Mentioned: 

Grab the FREE eBook “Top 10 Secrets for B2B Small Business Owners” at

