Last time I talked about outsourcing as a way of making both your traditional prospect over the phone and in person or online marketing effective.

In about 2010-2011, we had given up on our online marketing efforts. In retrospect, it didn’t work because we didn’t do it right as I explained in the last episode. 

Regardless, the country was still recovering from the 2008 crash as were most businesses. As I mentioned in an earlier episode, we have grown our company almost exclusively through phone based cold calling since 2002. In about 2005, we were in the position to hire sales reps, so we created a phone room of our own. We eventually got it up to 5-7 reps, something like that, and we were spending I think 250-300k  just in salaries and commissions. We ran newspaper ads, interviewed sales reps, and hired what we thought were the best. We even had a sales manager to train and manage them that we paid even more for.

Anyway, around 2012, we were at our wit’s end with our phone room, the quality of salespeople we had, and the poor results we were getting. We ended up letting go of the entire sales force and shutting down the phone room.

I stumbled on an idea about hiring remote contractors to do sales for us. You have to understand that at the time, in the business world, working remotely was not that common.

When we first heard this, we thought, well, that might work for him, but there is no way we can get people we hire over the internet to work for us on a commission only basis for a product that started at $500. However, since it cost us very little to try it and our funds were largely exhausted, we decided to give it a try.

We figured if it worked once, it could work again, so we kept going. 8 years later, we have had thousands of sales brought in by outside contractors - all that without a single dime out of our pocket, and just a little time setting up a way for them to report sales, etc.

Am I saying you should go out and recruit remote salespeople? No, not necessarily, it depends on how best to reach your dream clients. However, given the changes the coronavirus has made to business - and make no mistake - it’s not ever going to go back to the way it was, remote work is going to be much more common.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

"The effect that most businesses suffer not from a lack of resources like capital, but a lack of resourcefulness.""Given the changes that Coronavirus has made to the businesses, make no mistake it's not going to go back to the way it was. Remote work is going to be much more common."

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Resources Mentioned: 

Grab the FREE eBook “Top 10 Secrets for B2B Small Business Owners” at

