In part one of this topic of getting help outside of your own head, we focused on using the goldmine that is your internal team of employees. But what do you do if you don’t have employees? Are there any other ways to get feedback and insights into your business that will help you see things you aren’t seeing?

Other than getting input from your team, you can get advice, feedback, and an outsider’s perspective by bringing in some kind of third party business coach or consultant

One of the things that I have done my whole life is to try to ask those around me who were successful, what did they do to become and stay successful. In my single days, if I met someone who appeared to have a successful marriage, I’d ask them about that, if I saw a successful business person, I’d ask them for advice. It’s amazing what you can learn from just asking and most successful people have no problem sharing.

While it’s great to reach out to successful entrepreneurs and business people who are good role models, there is only so much time you can take of theirs without feeling like a leach.

The solution is to hire a professional business coach or consultant. I’ve been involved in multiple coaching programs, and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. It’s crazy, the more successful you are, the more you will want to spend on coaches or advisors. As I mentioned, the most successful people in the world have multiple coaches. If you want to be like someone, you have to do what they do.

On the next episode, we are going to talk about some techniques that have skyrocketed my personal productivity as an entrepreneur and given me back control of my time

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

You aren’t smart enough to come up with all the ideas for your business - you need an outside perspective.Hiring a professional coach gives an unbiased look at your business and keeps you accountable.If you want to be like a successful business owner, you have to learn from one who already is successful.

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Resources Mentioned: 

Grab the FREE eBook “Top 10 Secrets for B2B Small Business Owners” at

