In this episode, Robert talks about how to avoid spending tons of money and time going after prospects with the wrong sales message.

If we don’t know in which stage of the buying process our prospects and customers are, it’s difficult to market and sell to them effectively. Marketing to people with messaging that doesn’t fit them will most likely cost you the deal.

Robert reminds us that we need to know who our “dream customer” is, and we learn how to identify the 3 different stages of buyers. While we do want to tailor our sales message to our “dream customer”, we also need to have a general sales message that can appeal to everyone – this is apart from the micro-targeted messaging that should be tailored to each buyer stage as well.

If you segment, market, and sell to your prospects this way, you’re going to save yourself an enormous amount of time, money, and frustration. At the same time, you’re going to shortcut the sales process.


“More than any politician, business owners (and small business, in particular) and professional salespeople are the true influencers and effectors of change for good in our society.”There are three stages of buyers: the Hot Buyers, the Warm Buyers, and the Cold Buyers.“Once you’ve identified them, find out where they’re congregating.”If you were in a stadium, and you looked out and there were 1000 of your prospects out there, 3% would be Hot Buyers, 7% would be open to buying, and the remaining 90% are indifferent or uninterested.“You have to be very clear on who your dream customer is first, find out where they congregate, identify the stage in their buying process, and then the marketing and sales can start.”We’ve got many more opportunities today to target potential customers than we would’ve had 10 years ago.