In this episode, Robert talks about onboarding new hires quickly so that they become an asset quickly so that they can add to the bottom line instead of being an expense. He discusses a new system that his company has recently tried with great success.


It can be difficult to convince people to take the time to explain or capture their role in a way that is efficient.There are consequences of not cross training and having multiple people that can do each role. If someone leaves the company and nobody else understands their role, then it can be a problem.Many people believe that proper training is only for larger companies.There are 3rd party people that can be contracted to write instructions and procedures for you.Using a screen capture video for each task while doing the task is a great way to document the processes.Send that screen capture video to the contractor and let them draft more professional training documents.Then the contractor can take all documents and create a step-by-step training plan.Having this process in place can accelerate the onboarding.The cost of paying a contractor can offset months of cost in a new hire’s efficiency.Having an effective onboarding removes stress from many others in the company while trying to train and answer questions.